

The financial aid experts at Southeast Technical College are on hand and available 协助学生找到最佳的融资方案. 在支付方面 for school, our team understands that you may have questions and are available to 帮助引导整个过程.

*美国.S. 教育部预计2024-2025年FAFSA将可用 2023年12月.


  1. 申请FSA ID

    A 联邦学生援助身份证 需要申请经济资助吗. 它是由美国教育部发布的 并且可以作为在线申请的合法签名.*

  2. 填写FAFSA表格

    免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)可以 完成在线.*

  3. 等待处理


  4. 完成财务援助咨询和主本票

    完成入学咨询和/或直接贷款主本票(MPN) at studentaid.政府.

  5. 审查和完成财政援助的接受

    登录到 myTech 审查和接受或拒绝你的经济援助选择.  


View or download Southeast Tech’s Glossary of Document Tracking Terms to help clarify 财政援助文书程序. 


联邦学生援助是通过美国政府提供的经济援助.S. 部门 的教育. 联邦学生援助包括佩尔助学金、直接补贴贷款、直接助学金 无补贴贷款和勤工俭学. 联邦学生援助包括学校相关的费用 学费、杂费、住宿费等费用 & 伙食费、书费和交通费.



U.S. 公民和符合条件的非公民可以有资格获得联邦学生援助,如果他们 符合以下准则:

  • 必须是高中毕业生或完成格.
  • Enrolled at least half-time with credits required for the qualifying degree or certificate 你被录取的项目(接受直接贷款).
  • 必须有有效的社会安全号码吗.
  • 男性必须登记服兵役.
  • 继续学习的学生必须保持令人满意的学业进步.
  • 以前的学生贷款是否还在支付中.
  • 在入学期间不能有与毒品有关的定罪.


Students must be enrolled at least half-time (required towards program) to receive 直接贷款.


  • 全日制:12个或更多学分
  • 三节课:9-11学分
  • 中场休息:6-8学分
  • FSA ID作为您的签名. 申请FSA ID Student援助.政府 / fsaid.
  • 你的社会安全号码.
  • 你的驾照号码.
  • 你的联邦纳税申报表 & W2s.
  • 未纳税收入,如社会保障或福利.
  • 您目前的银行对账单.
  • Stock and other investment records including real estate (not including home you live in), trust funds, money market funds, certificates of deposit, stocks and bonds and 教育储蓄计划,如529大学储蓄计划.
  • Business and farm data including mortgage information and market value of land, buildings, 机器、设备及存货. 不包括小企业的价值吗 你拥有并控制着全职员工少于100人的公司.
  • If you are a Dependent as determined by the federal student aid guidelines, your parents will also need to provide the information listed above and have a FSA ID to sign your FAFSA.

The federal aid a student is eligible for as a result of completing the FAFSA is determined 按年计算. 当学生完成FAFSA,她/他将获得奖励 the fall, the spring or both fall and spring semesters depending on when the FAFSA 是否完成及其他合格因素. 没有奖学金的学生不能获得夏季经济资助 a specific request to do so by the student because it will affect loan amounts for 秋天和春天. 学生可以一次性付清暑期班的费用 下列方式之一:

  1. Once awarded for fall and spring, a student may request that the subsidized and unsubsidized 他们有资格获得的贷款将分为三次发放,而不是两次. This does NOT change the total loan amount a student is eligible for, but instead gives the student less loan(s) funding in 秋天和春天 in order to set aside 暑期课程的部分贷款资金. 要做到这一点,学生必须 be a minimum of half-time enrollment status for the 暑期班 (credits must be required for the program(s) they are accepted 成) AND they must complete the appropriate 在财政援助表格页面上发现的夏季财政援助申请表.
  2. Once awarded for fall and spring, a student may decline a portion of their fall and/or spring loan(s) and then complete the appropriate Summer 金融援助 Request Form found on the 资助表格 page during the spring semester once they have registered 暑期班. 要做到这一点,学生必须至少有一半的注册状态 for the 暑期班 (credits must be required for the program(s) they are accepted 成).
  3. Once awarded for fall and spring, a student may accept all of their federal loan(s) 作为秋季和春季学期的奖励. 如果收到退款支票,它就是 the student’s responsibility to save as much of the refunded funds as needed for the 暑期班. 通过接受所有联邦资助,学生有资格获得 fall and spring semesters, there will be no additional federal student aid to accept during the 暑期班 because the 暑期班 at STC is a trailer session at 年终奖.
  4. If a student has good credit history or if a student is able to find a co-signer with good credit history, an alternative loan could be used during the 暑期班 if 联邦资金已经耗尽. 要使用替代贷款,学生必须 be a minimum of half-time enrollment status for the 暑期班 (credits must be required for the program(s) they are accepted 成) AND they must complete the appropriate 在财政援助表格页面上发现的夏季财政援助申请表.
  5. Those students who are starting at Southeast for the spring or 暑期班s must actually be registered for a minimum of half-time enrollment status for the summer session (credits must be required for the program(s) they are accepted 成) before 夏季资格可以授予. 适当的暑期经济援助申请表 found on the 资助表格 page must be completed to request a summer financial 援助奖. 如果符合暑期助学金的条件,学生将获得一次此表格 收到.

As a reminder, a student must be enrolled for at least half-time (credits must be required for the program(s) they are accepted 成) to be eligible for any loan(s) 预留或安排在夏季会议. 如果贷款(s)被分割包括夏季 and the student fails to maintain at least half-time enrollment for the 暑期班, 为夏季预留的贷款资金将无效. 此外,暑期课程其中 end prior to the initial summer disbursement (typically mid-June) must be completed 成功地计入学生的夏季注册状态. 失败 or withdrawing from a summer course prior to disbursement of summer funds may result 失去了获得夏季基金的资格.

Verification is a process that information provided on the FAFSA is confirmed by the 机构. 如第668部分所述.联邦法规电子法典第54条, you may be selected for verification by the 教育部 or by your 机构. 当选择进行验证时,所有要求的文件必须完整填写 在学生获得经济援助之前. 如果两者之间有差异 your FAFSA application and any verification documentation submitted to Southeast Tech, 更正将以电子方式发送到美国.S. 教育部. 这个部门 已大大扩大了核查过程,这可能导致 in different types of documentation than you have been asked for in previous years.
查看myTech上的“财务援助文件跟踪”页面. “不完整”状态 means that we received the document but it was filled out incorrectly, illegible or 缺少部分需要的信息. “未审核”状态意味着 文件已收到,但尚未处理. “未收到”状态意味着 这份文件仍然是需要的.
A ‘pending’ status for a scholarship means that we have received the scholarship check but your signature on the check is required before it can be applied to your account. 到经济援助办公室签收奖学金支票. 



星期一:早上7:30.m.-4 p.m. 
星期二:早上7:30.m.-4 p.m. 
星期三:早上7:30.m.-4 p.m. 
星期四:7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 
星期五:早上7:30.m.-4 p.m. 


The Southeast Technical College 金融援助 Office is located in the Mickelson Center, 2320 N. 职业生涯大街.

